
Last night, I finished the "Kittens" project and this morning, I set to work on getting rid of that nasty yellow stain. I chose to do what Sabine had suggested first--got out a bath towel, laid the kitty on it, wet the stain with a warm and wet facecloth, tamped it with dish soap, stretched it out in a cross-stitch hoop, and ran boiling water over it. Guess what?

THE STAIN CAME ALL THE WAY OUT!!!! No trace left!!!

So thank you, Sabine, for your awesome suggestion!!

Here are pictures of the completed project, which I am planning to enter in the fair tomorrow. :)


Melanie said…
Just gorgeous!! :-D
I hope you get a prize for it! :-D
Leah said…
Wow!! Good job!! I hope you do well. :)
Anonymous said…
That's adorable! I'm so glad the stain came out. I hope you win a prize.

I made a filet crochet runner with butterflies on it when I was a newlywed (about 35 years ago!) and I use it frequently still. It is on a piece of furniture in my living room right now, in fact.
Anonymous said…
Good job!
Anonymous said…
I Like the Cats.:D

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