You'll never guess...

I've been sewing - and enjoying it!

My friend Miranda, at Sewing for the Savior, has a quilting bee on the fourth Friday of every month. I can't make it because I have piano lessons on Fridays, but I did take her up on her offer to mail me some squares to sew during the month and return before the bee. SO - last Wednesday, I got my first package, and had five squares to sew - and I HAD FUN!!!! :D In case you don't know, I usually hate sewing, but this time, it was fun.
The pattern is "Log Cabin"; very easy to sew.

I had to send the squares back to Miranda, but I asked her to send me a picture of the completed quilt; if she sends me one, I'll be sure to post it. :)

If any of you would like more information about Miranda and her ministry, Sewing for the Savior, leave us a comment with your email address so we can send you that info. We won't publish your email address. ;)


Anonymous said…
The quilt square is lovely! I like the choice of colours. Miranda sounds like she is doing a wonderful ministry. I would love to know more about it! I'll send another comment with my email address. :)
Anonymous said…
Marianne! You sewed?? :D I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D Will you post a picture of the finished quilt when you get it?
SisterlyLove said…
Hello! Thanks for commenting on our blog! Looks like you have a lovely blog! We are now following so we can take a look at all your goodies. Love the Wives and Daughters costume study! Can't wait to see more of that.

God Bless!
The Three Spinsters
Rebekah said…
How lovely! :)

To the KING be all the glory!


"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
How lovely that you enjoyed sewing Marianne! =)
The Editrix said…
Dear Miss Elinor Dashwood,

It is my pleasure to announce that you have won the costume drama caption contest! Congratulations on your win.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Elise


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