Fashion Fun... Up to Date or a Little Behind the Times?
I assure you, I did finish my quiet time before I started looking through the book! Believe me! But I'll admit it was a little tempting, that ancient brown book next to me. ;-)
The fashion magazine reminds me of Laura Ingalls talking about the Godey's Lady Book.
"Bishop sleeves are favored for gowns of thin, soft materials; but when thick or less flexible fabrics are made up, double or leg-o'-mutton sleeves are preferred, if becoming.
Russian blouses, with or without skirts, are more elegant than ever and enjoy a corresponding increase of popularity..."
Pages and pages follow, with descriptions and pictures of the latest styles of the year. A lot of them look a little hot for July, I think...
Left: "Ladies' Greek Costume, with Train (Perforated fro round length). (Known as the hypatia gown.) (Copyright.)
Right: "Ladies' Corselet Princess Costume, with Demi-Train (Perforated for slight train). (Copyright.)
And let's not forget the latest and greatest accesories...
Fashionable Hats...Scarves...Neck-Ruchings....Beads...
Wild, eh? :-D But as Jo says, "Let us be fashionable or die!"
Over 50 pages of almost purely dresses and descriptions-- some are a little scary, but many are breath-takingly beautiful. Why do people look "wierd" if they wear beautiful clothes nowadays? :-(
I should love to post more pictures of my favorite dresses but it might make the post too long, as I still have more to address...
The second magazine my mom brought in for me, missing a cover, terribly stained with age, and dating July, 1905.
"The bathing costume may be as tasteful and stylish as any frock in the wardrobe, and the new designs are very tempting..." :-)
Following this page are some very pretty summer outfits that look very Anne-ish (but with 1/4 size waist than she has :-P )
Then there is a section called "The Dressmaker"; in this edition of the magazine, the topic is "Making and Finishing a Bathing Suit." It gives some instructions and tips for making your own bathing suit... of course, it references a pattern (#8235) which I doubt anyone has a copy of...
Well, mean me has shown you all this just to say, "No, I am not selling them on E-Bay". I'll be Mr. Krook from Bleak House: "I keep 'em all!" :-)
Actually, I wish I could share all the pages with you but that might be very boring for some of my readers. Eventually I would like to make a dress similar to one of these styles. My mom has a dress that belonged to my great-great-grandma Jeannie (real name: Eugenia) O'Conner (afterwards: Lobdell), dating from somewhere during that time period, which I would love to recreate after I have learned how to draft patterns from existing garments. :-)
It's fun. :-)
I found your blog just recently through 'Joyful Handmaiden' and I just wanted to tell you how much I have been enjoying it! :) Historic yet Godly sewing is my favorite and seeing your lovely outfits was very inspiring!
And that is the cutest book that you were given! ;D
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~"Elinor" :-)
Yours in Christ,
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