A New Costume Study?
I've been feeling like working on my Wives and Daughters Costume Study lately but have lent our DVD out, and won't have it for another two or three weeks, as we'll be going out of town. While I am planning on continuing the study as soon as I get the DVD back, I was thinking I might get some screencap selections from another movie. What do you think?
BBC's new production of Jane Austen's Emma would probably be the funnest and easiest project, as I am more familiar with sewing Regency costumes than anything else. Since it's so new, too, and there are so many fun costumes...

I would also love to do one for Cranford and Return to Cranford. It wouldn't be too hard, either, as almost every character has only one or two outfits, it seems! :-P I wouldn't be able to give sewing tips or pattern ideas, however, as I really know very little about the 1840's.

Maggie S