Movie Reviews
For a while, I have been considering writing and posting reviews of different costume dramas, from a Christian perspective, here on The Dashwood Sisters Blog. I've had several people ask me about the different movies I mention, and I thought it might be nice to have a collection of movie reviews on here for quick reference. :-) I would like to start doing this soon (though there is no guarantee how often I'll post them...) Is there any movie in particular you would like me to review?
If so PLEASE do a reveiw for that, I LOVE that movie, and would like to know what you think!
S&S is my favorite, and I would love to read about it from a Christian perspective!
Any more suggestions? Keep 'em coming! :-D
Could you post a review for The Princess Bride? I'd loved that movie since I was little, and that's saying something for a movie for me, anyway:)Emma(1995, Kate Beckinsale)was another of those, and the Persuasion with Ciaran Hinds you've mentioned in your profile.
Your sister in Christ,
Liz Darcy
I had not thought of reviewing "The Princess Bride"-- I should! I would have to watch it again though, because I've actually only seen it once. I love it too, it's an absolutely delicious film! :-)