More Quilt Squares

This month, the quilt squares I worked on were nine-patch squares. (Sorry about two of the pictures being sideways...I took them right-side up and they were right-side up in the folder, but the things chose to load sideways. :P)
Tell you what, dear followers...I hate sewing, but I love doing quilt squares!!! :D


Anonymous said…
The colours are really pretty!
Carilyn said…
Those are really pretty! How long does it take to make one? And are you sewing by hand or with a sewing machine? -Carrie
Kelly said…
I hate sewing too, but I love doing quilt squares! Do you think you have any tips on making quilt squares? I'd love to know!!!!!
Carrie, it doesn't take long at all to make one of these squares. (Maybe that's because I don't have to cut them out myself. :P) Basically, you have nine four-inch squares of random fabrics; you arrange them randomly (or in order, if you like ;)), and then start sewing - I sew three each into three rows, and then sew the three rows together. I didn't time myself when I did these, but I'm pretty sure it didn't take more than 20 minutes max for these squares. And I sewed by machine. :)

Kelly, probably the most important tip I have for making quilt squares is to iron the squares before you sew, and then iron the seams after you've sewn. It may seem like a lot of work, but the end result looks so crisp that it's worth it. :) Another I would have is to make sure that you be exact with your seam allowances. How many kinds of quilt squares have you made? I've done just three kinds, but they're a total blast. :) :)

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