Believe it or not - I'm still at work.
Even though I post on here only once in a blue moon, I still am crocheting. :P I must confess that I've kind of been in a dry season with my work because a lot of things have been going on, but I'm hoping that as winter comes, I'll be able to make more time for projects.
Anyway, here's the latest afghan I've made.

Bernat Softee Baby is the yarn I used, and the pattern was on the back of the label.
I love the net edging - don't you?
By the way, even though I've posted more baby afghans and fine work than anything else, those things are NOT my specialty. I way prefer making huge afghans, but I'm out of yarn for those right now. Once I get some more... ;)
Anyway, here's the latest afghan I've made.

Bernat Softee Baby is the yarn I used, and the pattern was on the back of the label.

I love the net edging - don't you?

~ Hanne-col
To the KING be all the glory!
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15