Poll Results
Because I am on vacation this week and, therefore, away from my sewing work, I decided to put up a poll on which is your favorite Jane Austen novel. The answers were very much as I had expected them to be!! :-)
9 people (26%) voted Pride and Prejudice. (I knew this one would win over the rest. ;-) )
8 people (23%) voted Sense and Sensibility. (Good choice. :-) )
3 people (8%) voted Mansfield Park. (Shocking!)
4 people (11%) voted Northanger Abbey. (Myself included.)
4 people (11%) voted Emma. (Only four!?!?)
6 people (17%) voted Persuasion. (And I understand why! :-) )
Now, since Pride and Prejudice won as the most beloved Jane Austen novel among my readers, I am putting up a new poll.
Which is your favorite film adaption of Pride and Prejudice? (This does not include spin-offs or any adaptions about which I do not know!)
Scroll down the sidebar and you will see two more polls:
Who is your favorite presentation of Elizabeth Bennett?

Who is your favorite presentation of Mr. Darcy?

My answers are all in favor of the '95 Pride and Prejudice, though, I admit, I do like the actor for the 2005 P&P's Mr. Darcy, especially after seeing him in Little Dorrit!!
9 people (26%) voted Pride and Prejudice. (I knew this one would win over the rest. ;-) )
8 people (23%) voted Sense and Sensibility. (Good choice. :-) )
3 people (8%) voted Mansfield Park. (Shocking!)
4 people (11%) voted Northanger Abbey. (Myself included.)
4 people (11%) voted Emma. (Only four!?!?)
6 people (17%) voted Persuasion. (And I understand why! :-) )
Now, since Pride and Prejudice won as the most beloved Jane Austen novel among my readers, I am putting up a new poll.
Which is your favorite film adaption of Pride and Prejudice? (This does not include spin-offs or any adaptions about which I do not know!)
Scroll down the sidebar and you will see two more polls:
Who is your favorite presentation of Elizabeth Bennett?

Who is your favorite presentation of Mr. Darcy?

My answers are all in favor of the '95 Pride and Prejudice, though, I admit, I do like the actor for the 2005 P&P's Mr. Darcy, especially after seeing him in Little Dorrit!!
To the KING be all the glory!
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"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
I have not worked with pintucks yet so I am not sure how to help you, but I can post a question on the forum if you want, or on here, as I am sure some people could probably help you out there! :-)