Regency Spencer Jacket: Finished!
All except for the buttons and buttonholes on the wristbands, I have finished my Regency Spencer Jacket!
Thank you to Marianne for crocheting the frog closures!
It was a beautiful today; perfect for Margaret to get pictures for me! :-)
Thank you to Marianne for crocheting the frog closures!
It was a beautiful today; perfect for Margaret to get pictures for me! :-)
Because I had based this jacket off of Lizzie's black jacket that she wears when she walks to Netherfield, I decided to try to get some "Lizziesque" shots. Here I am supposed to be meeting up with Mr. Darcy. I had a hard time getting the right look though.
Margaret got one of me "walking to Netherfield" too but it turn out too well.
Now to do a brief overview-- thank you, Ashley, for the outline! :-)
Pattern Description: "Spencer jacket" based on an original Regency fashion and off of Lizzie's black Spencer from the '95 movie version of Pride & Prejudice
Pattern Sizing: I cut a size 8, which is my usual size, but since I was wearing it over my stays and dress, I had to use small seam allowances to make it a little bigger. I might cut it in size 10 next time.
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing it? Yes!
Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes! I always find Mrs. Chancey's patterns wonderful to understand and work with!
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I got the look I was going for!! :-) I especially like how Mrs. Chancey gives ideas and instructions for so many different options; it is a very versatile pattern.
Fabric Used: velveteen from WalMart and silky solid material from JoAnn's
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I made a stand up collar instead of the fold-over one in the pattern, to achieve the look of Lizzie's spencer. I actually substituted the collar with the collar piece from the 1909 "Beatrix" Shirtwaist pattern! :-P
Would you sew it again? Oh yes! I might not use the velveteen next time though... the next will probably be linen. ;-)
Would you recommend it to others? You bet I would!!
I love it!!
-Jessica (Jecca413 @ S&S)
It WAS a great day to take pictures!! Thanks for asking me to take them!:D
I tagged y'all.
To the KING be all the glory!
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15