Marianne and Elinor have been tagged by Caroline at Standing in the Sunlight! This blog is mainly for sewing/crocheting/etc. but we can do a tag! :-)
The rules are to tell seven things about ourselves.

Here are Marianne's seven things:
1. I am a sinner saved by grace!
2. I have always loved horses, and have never lost my desire to get one - sometimes I say that whether or not a guy would let me get a horse will determine whether I say yes to him or not! ;)
3. I learned to crochet in 2002 - my mom's friend started out teaching me right-handed in the winter; but in the spring, my mom's mom visited us from California; she was an awesome crocheter, and she figured out how to crochet left-handed so she could show me the real way!
4. I've been playing the piano for 12 years and LOVE it! Even though I go through dry seasons. My favorite composers are J.S. Bach and Frederic Chopin, and I love to play congregational style for church.
5. Working in the garden is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.
6. Though my Blogger name is "Marianne Dashwood", I am probably more like Emma Woodhouse in my actual character, and would go better with Mr. Knightley than Colonel Brandon...But I am like Marianne in my dramatic, romantic self. :)
7. I love chemistry and physics - it is so interesting to learn HOW God holds the world together! All nature sings His praise.
Here are Elinor's seven things:
1. I am an unworthy sinner saved by the grace of a righteous and merciful God!
2. My love for historical costuming (historical anything!) began, I think, with American Girl and the Little House books!
3. Besides sewing, I love novel-writing!! I have been doing that longer than I have been sewing.
4. One of my unrealistic dreams is to sew costumes for a film, write a screenplay for a film, and/or act in a film! :-)
5. Even though my blogger name is "Elinor Dashwood", the Jane Austen character I am most like changes according to my mood or what's going on in my life at the particular moment. I think I am actually more like Catherine Morland.
6. At this point, I don't care if I never get married, as long as I can actively serve the Lord with my life! ("And the doctor is a stranger to my door!" :-P )
7. I would love to work with children for God's glory.
We tag Ashley Nicole and Gabrielle Renee, both at Bramblewood Fashion!

Here are Marianne's seven things:
1. I am a sinner saved by grace!
2. I have always loved horses, and have never lost my desire to get one - sometimes I say that whether or not a guy would let me get a horse will determine whether I say yes to him or not! ;)
3. I learned to crochet in 2002 - my mom's friend started out teaching me right-handed in the winter; but in the spring, my mom's mom visited us from California; she was an awesome crocheter, and she figured out how to crochet left-handed so she could show me the real way!
4. I've been playing the piano for 12 years and LOVE it! Even though I go through dry seasons. My favorite composers are J.S. Bach and Frederic Chopin, and I love to play congregational style for church.
5. Working in the garden is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.
6. Though my Blogger name is "Marianne Dashwood", I am probably more like Emma Woodhouse in my actual character, and would go better with Mr. Knightley than Colonel Brandon...But I am like Marianne in my dramatic, romantic self. :)
7. I love chemistry and physics - it is so interesting to learn HOW God holds the world together! All nature sings His praise.
Here are Elinor's seven things:
1. I am an unworthy sinner saved by the grace of a righteous and merciful God!
2. My love for historical costuming (historical anything!) began, I think, with American Girl and the Little House books!
3. Besides sewing, I love novel-writing!! I have been doing that longer than I have been sewing.
4. One of my unrealistic dreams is to sew costumes for a film, write a screenplay for a film, and/or act in a film! :-)
5. Even though my blogger name is "Elinor Dashwood", the Jane Austen character I am most like changes according to my mood or what's going on in my life at the particular moment. I think I am actually more like Catherine Morland.
6. At this point, I don't care if I never get married, as long as I can actively serve the Lord with my life! ("And the doctor is a stranger to my door!" :-P )
7. I would love to work with children for God's glory.
We tag Ashley Nicole and Gabrielle Renee, both at Bramblewood Fashion!
To the KING be all the glory!
BLOG: http://www.donotgrowweary.com/blog
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
To the KING be all the glory!
BLOG: http://www.donotgrowweary.com/blog
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15